Chapter 25
Putting Everything Together to Build a Personal Finance App
By now, you should have a good understanding of SwiftUI and have built some simple apps using this new framework. In this chapter, you will use what you have learned so far to develop a personal finance app, enabling users to track their income and expenses.

This app is not too complicated to build but you will learn quite a lot about SwiftUI and understand how to apply the techniques you learned in developing this real-world app. In brief, here are some of the topics we will cover:
- How to build a form and perform validation
- How to filter records and refresh the list view
- How to use bottom sheet to display record details
- How to use MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) in SwiftUI
- How to save and manage data in a database using Core Data
- How to use DatePicker for date selection
- How to handle keyboard notification and adjust the form position
Let me stress this once again. This app is the result of what you have learned so far. Therefore, I assume you have already read the book from chapter 1 to chapter 24. You should understand how a bottom sheet is built (chapter 18), how form validation with Combine works (chapter 14 & 15), and how to persist data using SwiftData (chapter 22). If you haven't read these chapters, I suggest you go read them first. In this chapter, we will primarily focus on techniques that haven't been discussed before.
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