Starting with iOS 16, SwiftUI introduces a native photo picker view known as PhotosPicker
. If your app requires access to users’ photo library, the PhotosPicker view seamlessly manages the photo selection process. This built-in view offers remarkable simplicity, allowing developers to present the picker and handle image selection with just a few lines of code.
When presenting the PhotosPicker
view, it showcases the photo album in a separate sheet, rendered atop your app’s interface. In earlier versions of iOS, you couldn’t customize or change the appearance of the photos picker view to align with your app’s layout. However, Apple has introduced enhancements to the PhotosPicker view in iOS 17, enabling developers to seamlessly embed it inline within the app. Additionally, you have the option to modify its size and layout using standard SwiftUI modifiers such as .frame
and .padding
In this tutorial, I will show you how to implement an inline photo picker with the improved PhotosPicker
Revisiting Photo Pickers
To use the PhotosPicker
view, you can first declare a state variable to store the photo selection and then instantiate a PhotosPicker
view by passing the binding to the state variable. Here is an example:
import SwiftUI
import PhotosUI
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var selectedItem: PhotosPickerItem?
var body: some View {
PhotosPicker(selection: $selectedItem,
matching: .images) {
Label("Select a photo", systemImage: "photo")
The matching
parameter allows you to specify the asset type to display. Here, we just choose to display images only. In the closure, we create a simple button with the Label

Upon selecting a photo, the photo picker automatically dismisses itself, and the chosen photo item is stored in the selectedItem
variable, which is of type PhotosPickerItem
. To load the image from the item, you can use loadTransferable(type:completionHandler:)
. You can attach the onChange
modifier to listen to the update of the selectedItem
variable. Whenever there is a change, you call the loadTransferable
method to load the asset data like this:
@State private var selectedImage: Image?
.onChange(of: selectedItem) { oldItem, newItem in
Task {
if let image = try? await newItem?.loadTransferable(type: Image.self) {
selectedImage = image
When using loadTransferable
, it is necessary to specify the asset type for retrieval. In this case, we employ the Image
type to directly load the image. If the operation is successful, the method will return an Image
view, which can be used to directly render the photo on the screen.
if let selectedImage {
.padding(.horizontal, 10)
Implementing an Inline PhotosPicker
Now that you should understand how to work with a PhotosPicker
, let’s see how to embed it in our demo app. What we are going to do is to replace the “Select a photo” button with an inline Photos picker. The updated version of PhotosPicker
comes with a new modifier called photosPickerStyle
. By specify a value of .inline
, the Photos picker will be automatically embedded in the app:
You can also attach standard modifiers like .frame
and .padding
to adjust the size of the picker.

By default, the top accessory of the picker is the navigation bar and the bottom accessory is the toolbar. To disable both bars, you can apply the photosPickerAccessoryVisibility
Optionally, you can hide either one of them:
.photosPickerAccessoryVisibility(.hidden, edges: .bottom)
Handling Multiple Photo Selections
Presently, the Photos picker only allows users to select a single photo. To enable multiple selections, you can opt in the continuous selection behavior by setting the selectionBehavior
to .continuous
or .continuousAndOrdered
PhotosPicker(selection: $selectedItems,
maxSelectionCount: 5,
selectionBehavior: .continuousAndOrdered,
matching: .images) {
Label("Select a photo", systemImage: "photo")
If you wish to restrict the number of items available for selection, you can specify the maximum count using the maxSelectionCount

Once the user has selected a set of photos, they are stored in the selectedItems
array. The selectedItems
array has been modified to accommodate multiple items and is now of type PhotosPickerItem
@State private var selectedItems: [PhotosPickerItem] = []
To load the selected photos, you can update the onChange
closure like this:
.onChange(of: selectedItems) { oldItems, newItems in
newItems.forEach { newItem in
Task {
if let image = try? await newItem.loadTransferable(type: Image.self) {
I used an Image
array to store the retrieved images.
@State private var selectedImages: [Image] = []
To display the chosen images, you may use a horizontal scroll view. Here is the sample code that can be placed at the beginning of the VStack
if selectedImages.isEmpty {
ContentUnavailableView("No Photos", systemImage: "photo.on.rectangle", description: Text("To get started, select some photos below"))
.frame(height: 300)
} else {
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
LazyHStack {
ForEach(0..<selectedImages.count, id: \.self) { index in
.frame(height: 250)
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0))
.padding(.horizontal, 20)
.frame(height: 300)
If you’d like to learn more about how to create image carousels, you can check out this tutorial. In iOS 17, a new view called ContentUnavailableView
is introduced. This view is recommended for use in scenarios where the content of a view cannot be displayed. So, when no photo is selected, we use the ContentUnavailableView
to present a concise and informative message.

In iOS 17, Apple made improvements to the native Photos picker. Now, you can easily include it within your app instead of using a separate sheet. This tutorial explains the new modifiers that come with the updated PhotosPicker
view and shows you how to create an inline photo picker.
If you enjoy reading this tutorial and want to dive deeper into SwiftUI, you can check out our Mastering SwiftUI book.